Minecraft Rant - Impostors

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by heyaroo, May 15, 2013.


More Minecraft Rants?

Yes 29 vote(s) 72.5%
No 4 vote(s) 10.0%
Maybe :p 7 vote(s) 17.5%
  1. Wait petes famous? Ive met him.
  2. Just a few ideas but: Minecraft Rant - hackers , griefers, pvpers, noobs (not newbs there is a differnece)(noobs dont read the rules and suck but newbs are good people that read rules but they were just late to the party) showoffs, more trolls, spamers, scammers, people who play minecraft cracked version
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  3. Let's not forget the people that believe the YouTube comments that say "Get your free MC Premium account!", then they get it, find out the account has viruses/hacks/mods/malware, then hate on Mojang, even though they didn't buy it from Mojang.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  4. I love reading some of the replys to those who post those bytl links "does that come with a free virus or is it a seperate download" but I hate it when those free account links are the top comments (I always flag them for spam)
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  5. I do the exact same thing....
    I once gave a long and complex analysis on how it technically was piracy, then the people that post those flagged for spam and disliked it.
    One of the comments I got: "How is this spam???"
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  6. those people work together plus im betting those free "accounts" also installed some program that automaticcaly likes those comments using your youtube account with out asking you
  7. Those are great ideas! Thanks I was trying to find another topic for a future rant video :D
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  8. Don't forget the people who post Auctions while using Nodus then rage that they got banned without proof.
    marknaaijer, jkjkjk182 and heyaroo like this.
  9. Loving THIS!!!