Minecraft EULA changes.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by mattias171, Aug 5, 2023.

  1. I just saw that Microsoft has recently changed the end user license agreement. I don’t know all the details, but there are restrictions on servers or users using the name Minecraft. Also something about restricting servers having cues. There’s more in the article I’ll link below. I was curious how it would affect the empire.

    Tuqueque likes this.
  2. The frequency of which big corporations make bad decisions seems to be increasing now a days …

    Edit: Unrelated but also a bad decision…

    it would be a prime time for Hytale to finally release 🤣
    Nickblockmaster and FadedMartian like this.
  3. This looks to be the same as it was before, and we are ok in that regard.

    The Commercial use guidelines was just a reorganization of content. Nothing stand out as an issue there. It didn't really change much.

    That person is making something out of nothing. In reality, the commercial use guidelines have became WAY looser than what happened many years ago.

    I really don't see why this person and some other site blew this up. It was quite a nothing burger of an update just to improve the text quality and make some clarifications that I can see.

    It seems like this person simply wasn't aware of all this stuff that changed over the last decade and this is their first time hearing it. Delayed outrage.