Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Xxandster700xX, Aug 26, 2012.



MELLONZ 7 vote(s) 33.3%
POTATOES 17 vote(s) 81.0%
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  1. YES.gif
    Lukas3226 likes this.

  2. Your argument is invalid. :rolleyes:
    IamSaj, billbob352 and RED_Spy1 like this.
  3. Oh, so we're judged by whether we like a certain food or not?!?!
    And that is not what a potato looks like!
  4. Ok boi, you wanna discriminate people who are excited for potatoes!!! What is wrong with this world!
    RED_Spy1 likes this.
  5. Potatoes duh!
    RED_Spy1 and zombieslayer010 like this.
  6. Melons.
  7. If the crap you're refering to is a potato, I'l take the latter one.
    RED_Spy1 likes this.
  8. ok i will admit potatos win
    oidgod and SpaceShuttleFan like this.
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