Map Art @ 427 on smp1

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by supereskimo, Nov 20, 2017.

  1. Hi, all!
    So... since this is a couple of years overdue, most of you will probably have no idea what I'm talking about. But a while back, I decided to make an in-game pixel art/map art of one of our staff members, iSmooch. Building it proved harder than expected, but I did eventually manage to finish it! (at least the top half). So, if you'd like a copy, come to res 427 on smp1 (sadly, you can't transfer the maps between servers :(). But you can make copies using empty maps, so instead of buying a bunch, just buy one and then copy it. They're only 10r a piece (to offset the cost of empty maps), but please don't try and resell to make a profit. I hope you enjoy the "art", as well as my new res!

    Also... the picture is kind of a long story. In short, another staff member ICC edited a photo of iSmooch based on his nickname "SassySmooch". The nickname became even more popular, and so I decided to immortalize it in-game. Of course this is all just good-hearted teasing; iSmooch was a great staff member and an important part of the EMC community.

    P.S. I hope you like my new res... not really sure what it is... it's kind of a cube/octahedron sort of thing. Hopefully I'll have time to be more active now; I recently started playing again, but I also started grad school, so it's hard to say how much I'll be on. My next project is to get a decent res made on smp2, so I hope to see you all around!

    Edit: The res no longer exists, but you can still get copies of the map at /wild center:
    Raaynn, ultipig and Vortixin like this.
    supereskimo likes this.
  3. Thanks haha, I kind of miss making it. I might decide to make some more at some point, but for now I just want to play the game like a normal person :p
    bitemenow15 likes this.
  4. Welcome spo your the original maker of that map hmm nice to see a artist i thought was a myth welcome back
    supereskimo likes this.
  5. qestion were can i get this map art its not on /v 427
    ultipig likes this.
  6. wow i comented on this 3 years ago i feel old
    ultipig likes this.
  7. Hey daanhu, guess I'm a bit late on this reply haha.

    I no longer have a res on smp1, so I decided to put some copies of the map in a chest at (/wild center), on the the north side.
    1. Go to /wild center on smp1
    2. Face north and cross the bridge
    3. Look at the wall of the cobble house
    There's a chest with copies of the map there. Feel free to give away or sell copies on your own res if you want to.
    triphora, Fred_TWK, 607 and 1 other person like this.
  8. just a little late
    but did u get any milk