If I were to ask Icc, or any other admin to modify the plug-ins EMC has, so you could type "/res mailbox" on your residence and the open a chest, it would make the chest a mailbox. How this mailbox would work is anyone could open, and put things into itm, but nobody except the res owner could take out of it. This could be used in a store item donation proccess, or to mail item's, or to just give and get book meesages in 1.3 please comment what you think about it and vote
don't let trolls have chances to do that stuff just put yes no and i don't care in polls i hope icc sees this
Just take into account that ICC is a very busy cow. And back on topic, that is a good idea. I'm just not sure how hard it would be to code.
I dont think it would be that hard, in fact that we can actually do /vault and a cross-chest/vault opens automagically for 10 rupees so yeah...
I like the idea, and I voted it up. But you should have to pay a monthly fee (in rupees) if you wished to have one, just like the vault. You could mail to other servers with something like "/mail Hash98 smp1 Bob smp7 . Then it charges you 5r like stamps or the vault. HAsh98
Nice idea except it should be 10r to mail cross-server to prevent people from mailing something to an alt account to save money instead of using vault.