Luckypat's Repairing Services.

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by LuckyPat, Dec 12, 2014.

  1. I shall be using this service very soon once again :rolleyes:
    Luckypat likes this.
  2. i need something fixed up
    Luckypat likes this.
  3. Be sure to PM me or just some info on it. What it is, how many levels, do you supply diamonds etc. :)
  4. I'll use this later today
    Luckypat likes this.
  5. Do you also have a service to add on books, if the books are supplied? And rename items?
  6. I wasnt planning to but I could. Depending on Exp ill give you a price. :)
  7. Could you do a lvl 39 repair for me on my pick once I send it and pay?
  8. I could yes! Will you supply diamonds? If so depending on how many it requires I charge 650 for a 39 repair plus 75 a diamond if I supply. :)
  9. I won't supply diamonds but I will pay 75 per. :) I will send the pick soon.
    Luckypat likes this.
  10. Sorry I haven't sent the pick yet, I will right now, hopefully I'll have it back by tomorrow! :)