[Looking for] A head or two

Discussion in 'Buying' started by LtCaptainMe, Nov 9, 2016.

  1. If there are any of you'll have have either a Davie or ICC Valentine day head, I would love for you to send me a PM if you would consider trading/selling it.

    Thank you for your time.
  2. Bump, Looking looking looking
  3. A friend of mine had an ICC valentines head once, and she auctioned it off (it was a promotional item afterall). That got her around 2 million (iirc). Figured I'd share so that you know that this is a very pricey item.
    LtCaptainMe likes this.
  4. That's a bit higher than I last saw them go for... Last one I saw was at 1.25M but thanks for the info Shel :)
  5. Would you consider loaning
  6. for?
  7. Got a spare davie head. Shoot me a PM with your offer (looking for at least 2m, as that was the price of one sold last year)
  8. Staff head musuem.
    Once I have a chance to get in game to set aside promos to either sell or trade, will do...