Lol EMC say goodbye :)

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by Mr_Tiny, Feb 14, 2012.

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  1. Yes...I s'pose...:D
  2. I'd have to wear the kilt. I'd just look silly in a dress.. I haven't worn one of those since college. ;)
  3. OMGBBQ!!!!!!
  4. haha is he serious?
  5. OMGBBQ *smokes out wild boars with flamethrower*
    Kdrama likes this.
  6. Go take your bull **** somewhere else.
    oidking and nnnnmc1 like this.
  7. Fail, kid fail. If you want to grief, have a public voice and get a team, so if you get caught, YOU DONT ALL HAVE THE SAME IP, you retard. jeez, some people don't even know how to GREIF, i mean a Forum Post?????? Does he think we don't have mods or something, or we won't SEE him??? Kids these days, jeez
    nnnnmc1 likes this.
  8. I wonder how it's gonna be if he come grief my private server :D My house is made out of 3 layer of bedrock.
    And while he is digging someone else house, a lightning strike on top of his head :p
    And also my Knockback Level 1000 wooden stick :D
    And my health there is 32767 hehehe
    Then world edit roll back stuff after I beat him hard XD

    Sound fun.....
  9. vividOptimism likes this.
  10. I will just destroy your server.By messing up regions and spamming
    nnnnmc1 likes this.
  11. So back to posting funny videos?

  12. I am literally crying
    MR2R2M, hayleycolgan and nnnnmc1 like this.
  13. Yeah, The day when the site and Square were down me and Crazy had to keep the peace, a Supporter and an
    ex-mod. I ended up going to the wild and mining, where of course i got pvped
  14. I took 11 screenshots, because I'm cool like that.
  15. Lol, wish i could take screenshots. Stupid Mac
  16. command+shift+3
    Your Mac isn't the problem. The ignorant user is. ;)
  17. You can take screenshots on a Mac. Cmd shift 3 takes a screen shot and says it to your desktop. I believe F2 also takes a screen shot.
  18. Oh twitch you bet me to it ;)
  19. So... this thread is still alive, huh?
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