[LLOlympics]Event sign-up

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by mba2012, Dec 8, 2012.


What events would you like to enter

Poll closed Dec 26, 2012.
Sleep 11 vote(s) 73.3%
Archery 10 vote(s) 66.7%
Mini-Golf 8 vote(s) 53.3%
Boating 8 vote(s) 53.3%
Swimming 7 vote(s) 46.7%
Mineshaft Race 7 vote(s) 46.7%
Wall Race 8 vote(s) 53.3%
Wall Jumping 7 vote(s) 46.7%
Fishing 3 vote(s) 20.0%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. The times are and pen lives there but I don't.
    penfoldex likes this.
  2. Well if you could, send me the times, and I'll tell you which ones I can make :D
  3. Ok I will do that when times are organised.
  4. Thanks a bunch!
    mba2012 likes this.
  5. Times for events coming soon.
    penfoldex likes this.
  6. Event times being approved now. Posting within 10 minutes.
  7. Here everyone are the long awaited event times! All times are EST.

    Opening ceremony: 5:00pm EST Friday 11th (Stadium)

    Day 1 (Saturday 12th Jan):
    First round of the spleef tournament - 5:00pm (Spleef Arena)
    First round of boating - 5:00pm (Boating River)
    Second round of boating - 5:30pm (Boating River)

    Day (Sunday 13th Jan):
    Second round of spleef - 5:30pm (Spleef Arena)
    third round of boating - 5:00pm (Boating River)
    Fourth round of boating - 5:15pm (Boating River)
    Mine shaft race - 4:30pm (Near zulu9 fun area)

    Day 3 (Monday 14th Jan):
    Third round of spleef - 5:30pm (Spleef Arena)
    Semi-finals of the boating. (Boating River)

    Day 4 (Tuesday 15th Jan):
    Spleef finals - 5:00pm (Spleef Arena)
    Boating finals - 5:30pm (Boating River)
    Swimming - 4:30pm (Near spleef arena)
    Wall jumping - 4:00pm (LLO Wall West)

    Day 5 (Wednesday 16th Jan):
    Wall race - 4:30pm (LLO Wall)
    Fishing - 5:30pm (Fishing Pond)

    Day 6 (Thursday 17th Jan):
    Mini-golf - 4:30pm (zulu9 fun area)

    Day 7 (Friday 18th Jan):
    Archery - 4:30pm (zulu9 fun area)

    Closing ceremony - 5:00pm Saturday 19th (Stadium)

    Hope to see you all there!
  8. Yeah, I got like 8 PM's! Just thought I had many people wanting to talk to me but it was this :(
    mba2012 likes this.
  9. LOL I would like to spleef, fish ;) and shoot please.
  10. I will try. Can't make any promises though.
    Chascarrillo likes this.