Live Map Update suggestion

Discussion in 'The Suggestion Box' started by Astromath1959, Dec 1, 2021.

  1. This probably can't be done, but I'm going to suggest it anyway.

    There're places on the live map that no longer exist. For example, SMP 7900. The live map shows a building. The actual location has no building. My suggestion is to update the live map to actually show what's at that location.
    FadedMartian and 607 like this.
  2. It updates when something is built there. If someone would just build there, it would update
    SkeleTin007 and UltiPig like this.
  3. I didn't know that this was an issue! Interesting.
    It is not so easy to juist build somewhere, as chickeneer suggests, however, as you usually can't do that in town.
  4. For my part, it wasn't an issue of building, it was an issue of a shop being there when it was not. There are others like the example I gave.

    I was going to suggest something else, but research on dynmap shows that it is impossible for now (i.e. dynamic 3d perspective viewing). The config file only allows static values for perspective.
    607 likes this.
  5. Well as far as searching for shops, you can always ask in chat for shops or check katy's thread:
    Way easier than using dynmap anyways. has all kinds of cool builds and public works on the list too.
    607 and KatydidBuild like this.
  6. I have been using her thread. It's just that I saw on dynmap a shop at 7900 and went there, there was nothing. There's also an Ikea shop on a different SMP that's not there either.

    It looks like to me that if a resident modifies their residence, no problem. If an admin modifies the residence, dynmap doesn't get updated (I'm assuming an admin erased the buildings).
    607 likes this.
  7. When the computer takes a derelict residence, it is wiped and reset. The live map then shows the res with an orange overlay. This indicates an open res on the map.
    When a player takes that res, or is assigned to it, the live map will update the look of the res.

    The command /shop will not take you to an open res. You must have seen something on the map that indicated a shop - but it's no longer there if it has the orange overlay.

    Hope that helps some.
  8. I went to 7900 and used /res info. It belongs to a new player that joined earlier this year and hit/her last activity was in Sept. S/He has 2 other adjacent residences that are also blank slates.

    My guess it was a banned player, residences got erased, and the new player took over and never did anything to their residences. [shrug]
    607 likes this.