League of Legends Thread?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Impulsive_Egg, Dec 13, 2017.

  1. Does anyone else play League of Legends or am I all alone?
    The only games I have been playing recently are Minecraft and League
    padde73, 607 and MarkelleFultz like this.
  2. I used to play it, when I did I mained Ezreal but I haven't played in some time now
    Impulsive_Egg and MarkelleFultz like this.
  3. I've been playing it since the end of Season 2! My ranks per season (Didn't play ranked on S2):
    S3 = Silver III
    S4 = Gold III
    S5 = Platinum V
    S6 = Silver I (Break due to college :|)
    S7 = Gold IV
    I play on BR if anyone wants to add me, but haven't been playing as much since S5, nickname is same as here.

    I believe the game is less fun and a lot more competitive nowadays. I main support, and I really miss not having limits on ward placement. You could solo carry games in a much easier way in the past, with that alone lol
    Impulsive_Egg and MarkelleFultz like this.
  4. I started playing this past season (7) and climbed to silver 3 before ending the season at silver 4.

    I don't play much as of now, but come season 8 i'll start up again.

    Play on EUW and play top/jungle/support.
  5. I don't play ranked bc I don't do well under competitive pressure, so I just do norms. I started in season 4 I think (beginning of freshman year of high school) and I've mained ADC the entire time
    My first main was Jinx, and now it's Xayah (hence my skin)
    607 and MarkelleFultz like this.
  6. Two of my friends do. :)
    I haven't heard a lot about it, though.
  7. I used to play A LOT of leauge. I was Gold II the other season but got banned on that account for "third party programmes". I did not use any third party programmes. I must have been hacked and then the hacker probably used it. Since I got banned I made a new account and barely play. My main is Mid/Jungle. Akali and Heca is my favorites. If anyone wants to play, I play on EUW and I'm lv 22. I can boost you with my Akali. ;)
    Impulsive_Egg likes this.
  8. all of you are in the Europe and im all alone in North America :(
  9. My year end review. My top three champions are Xayah, Jinx, and Sivir. I would've gotten 2 pentakills, but TEEMO STOLE IT and IM STILL MAD
    JesusPower2 and padde73 like this.