KJH's Photoshop Thread

Discussion in 'Photo Manipulation (Photoshop, Gimp, etc)' started by MeowMeowo, Nov 9, 2015.

  1. I would had said the same thing as i'm an independent graphic designer

  2. Anthony Martial. This is also made that if you have a Iphone 5 you can have it as your background.
  3. A little tip dude, always set your image resolution to 300 ppi, your images will be a lot crisper .
    KJHaddrell01 likes this.
  4. Another tip, never stretch an image, it looks horrible (no offence) to make it look do ctrl + t and then hold shift and drag one of the corners of the image, it will keep it the same shape but just making the image larger, but do note that enlarging most images makes them blurry so i suggest if you are using google, use the search tools and only search for images over 2mp. thank me later in your career. if you need any other help give me a message and ill be happy to help!

    KJHaddrell01 likes this.
  5. New Signature: Man Utd Signature
    I decided to make my own signature. I based it around Man Utd as that the team I support so I hope you guys like it.
    FDNY21 likes this.
  6. Bump: Sergio Aguero
    I made this for a friend as he is a Man City fan and he is pretty much one of the best strikers in the English Premier League.
  7. See how much better it looks when you don't stretch assets?
    KJHaddrell01 likes this.
  8. Indeed, thanks
  9. Bump Happy new year!