Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by plasma131, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. Check my profile
  2. 6/10 We should have happy moments :(
  3. 11/10! It's awesome!
  4. Not trying to be mean but yours is kinda boring D: although cool colors for it 5/10
  5. 9/10
    adsingh likes this.
  6. 5/10. Lose the dragons.
  7. 6/10
    (I know I don't have a GOOD Singature or any at all)
  8. 10/10 for originality.
    I have them on my signature so they won't die!
  9. 8/10 I would say pick the dragons or the photo :)
  10. 8/10.
    deathconn likes this.
  11. 9.99/10 you changed it xD
  12. 8/10 >.> it's a bit disturbing >.>
  13. 7/10
    Somebody likes Peanut Butter Jelly Time.
  14. Who? 8/10 :D