Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by plasma131, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. 6/10 Needs more g4ngst4-ness :p
  2. What's that mean
  3. 8/10. 'Cause that's Boba Fett, not Darth Vader
  4. I tried to get darth Vader but I couldn't find the right image for it :(
  5. Awesome signature. I like the death star on the picture. I also like the writing on your signature
  6. 7/10.
    The text forces it down and cuts a part of it off.
  7. Errrr, i hate dragon eggs... And idk what a spy chicken is, but because im a nice person, im giving you 10/10!
  8. =.=

    7.9999/10 for _stad_
  9. I dunz get it. 7/10
  10. 20/10 because I have an ego about my work.
    jacob5089 likes this.
  11. I hate to say this. BUT man, your signuature looks great! 9/10
  12. 5/10. I find it kind of strange.
  13. 5/10 I like the quote haha
  14. Spongebob for the win.10/10
    Nole972 and KingGeorge3rd like this.
  15. 8/10 cool Death Star and cookeh
  16. i love bananas. ( not like that, get yo mind outta dat gutter ) 9.9/10 needs more bananas!
    jacob5089 likes this.