Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by plasma131, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. 7/10 It is cool that you owned a dragon egg. What happened to it?
  2. Thanks, I know that now, 9.99999999999999999999999/10.
  3. I5/10
    rock00888 likes this.
  4. You should reply to whomever you are referring too.
    rock00888 likes this.
  5. 6/10, a lot of signatures :) A bit cluttered :p
  6. 5/10. Like it was said in the past, everyone has them.
  7. Sorry, were you talking about my sig? Last time you said that, it was with my old sig. This one's (hopefully) unique and made by Jimbonothing64.

    Anyway 5/10 :p
  8. Could be arranged better. Congrats on the big cash money wad though. :p 6/10
  9. 6/10
    Yay cats, but... wat? lol.
  10. Nobody likes my quote :b
    Very simplistic, I like that.
  11. What, what? :)
  12. 7/10 Bit cluttered.
  13. 8.5/10
  14. 4/10