Jossy's Wild Adventure

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by jossytheninja, Mar 6, 2018.

  1. Sooo last night I got bored. I can't continue my huge pixel art project until I've gathered more resources (by reverse auctions hehe) which takes some time. So I decided to go on an adventure :D Usually on Minecraft you'll find me mining but because of an arm injury I got about a year ago I can't mine for hours like I used to :p I can still use my left arm no problem so walking around in game is the next best thing for me to start doing. I'm testing my survival skills in the wild. No real goal in mind I've only taken food, wool and wood for beds, one enderchest and silk pick and one shulker box, Some really nice enchanted armour and my iron voters tools and an enchanted bow.

    I've set some "rules" for myself while in the wild besides the obvious server rules :p
    • I won't be making shelters along the way I'll only set my spawn at naturally generated villager villagers (they're usually nice enough to let me room there)
    • No egging animals I find along the way no matter how cool they are. :p Gotta be nice and leave them for future adventurers/settlers ;)
    • Take lots of picture and have fun :D
    So here are some of the pics I've taken so far :D

    These sheep were creepily staring at me til I took out my "camera" and started taking pics. They did the old "look away pretend we weren't just looking at her" bit hehe

    Llamas ...llamas everywhere! ...I love llamas *resisted the urge to make a caravan*

    Doggies <3

    Ok so technically I didn't egg all these animals ....but I got lonely and needed some companions. Some where a bit shy for pics but this is my crew for now :D
    607, EvilBlo, _Bunni__ and 4 others like this.
  2. Oooh need more ! These were great josseh!!!
    jossytheninja likes this.
  3. Been traveling through the wild surprisingly haven't died yet :D I've gone through a number of dogs...crossing oceans is not something they are fond of apparently :p

    Me saying bye to my first pack of doggies

    This is what my journey mostly consists of...lots of oceans...who needs arm day at the gym when you can just row your boat all day long?

    Found an "Atlantis-like" island thing was pretty cool looking

    Weird sheep in a tree....doesn't look comfy up there for them :p

    Lonely pumpkin I named Bob...he was nice..very quiet though..

    Sunken villager house :O

    The first Mesa I came across :D was excited when I discovered it ...Now if I can just find a mooshie Island ...

    I NEVER seen this before I thought it was player made but nope this naturally generated village has a dock :D

    Adopted a new pack of doggies and they were really fun to travel with not as camera shy as the others..I love snowy biomes they're so pretty and easy to travel across which equals to more time with travel companions :p

    Getting to walk on frozen water is fun I've never seen this much frozen naturally before ..the dogs liked it too.

    Sadly though...the next part of my journey is traveling through more deep open oceans so the dogs decided they'll stay behind. .....ALSO what the heck?! I just noticed as I posted this picture parrots are gone?!!!!! How??? Halp send halp! D;
    EDIT: It was just a glitch they're still there...I had to go to land and do /parrotrelease then re-add them to my shoulders phew!!

  4. Sooo silly me forgot you can push mobs into boats...soo I lost most those dogs for no reason xD

    Lonely dark oak tree...never seen one all by itself in the wild xD


    2 brown sheep?! 2!!!

    First Mooshie Island!! Finally :D ...Next goal is to find a mansion in a dark oak forest :)


    I will be taking a lil break from my adventure to work on my pixel art :p Should be back to adventuring in a couple days
  5. Omg jossy, love the pictures and especially the comments to them! Looking towards seeing more of your adventure! :D
  6. Woah, this is really cool!! :D
    jossytheninja and EvilBlo like this.
  7. This is a really nice read, thanks for sharing Jossy!
    jossytheninja and 607 like this.
  8. Oh you must've traveled a lot cx loving the pictures josseh
    jossytheninja likes this.
  9. Thanks everyone :D

    I have traveled a lot xD
    607 and HaastregtLover77 like this.