Jack's horrible, evil and mean quiz of EMC trivia

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by JackBiggin, Nov 5, 2012.

  1. Lol, I was reading through the answers and realized - Hey, I think I actually knew all of those. I know I didn't when you first posted this.
    Chascarrillo, mba2012 and JackBiggin like this.
  2. I know only 5% on these. xD
  3. Typical Jack...
    Chascarrillo likes this.
  4. now i know how to get home from the LLO!
  5. It's funny, I didn't know the answer to the Christmas Eve 2011 one. (One of the two I didn't know.)
    I'm gonna go verify that date now.

    December 9th.
    So it was probably iSmooch.
  7. *Jack frantically checks all entries again to ensure the Christmas Eve 2011 question didn't change anything*
    Haha I got two after some long hard thinking.
    *Walks away with head down in shame as he feels like a EMC Noob*
  8. IcecreamCow wants to go to town to drop an anvil on Justin. He is currently in the wild, outside protected spawn. What command would he use to teleport to town spawn? /g town or /goto town
    Lost the answer list, but these should all be right.

    Not sure if it has been said, but that is not the correct answer. The correct answer is, "He would walk, not use a command, because moderators and admins do not abuse their power." Of course, if the question mentioned that it needed to be done for testing....well... then that'd be ok. :D
  9. Na, turns out it was iSmooch - I was too lazy to actually check the entries. :p

    It never said admins wouldn't abuse their power, just mods. :p
  10. But that means it impossible for anyone to win... Assuming no one got it the first time.
  11. The quiz was pretty much impossible anyway. There was no chance of anyone winning :p
    mba2012 likes this.
  12. I suppose so... You still twisted the rules/answers :p
    mba2012 likes this.
  13. creepincreepers7 and JackBiggin like this.