Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Plugineer, Jan 21, 2013.

  1. WOWO FULLY SICK BRAH! (jajajaj caps), How much did that cost you to build?
  2. OMG O_______o just... Woah! MOAR pics! MOAR prints! OMG amazing... *wanders away mumbling*
  3. I've been looking into 3d printers for the past few months. They have alot of use in today's world
    mba2012 likes this.
  4. That's freaking like...amazing. When I first saw these things my brain was like, "wow, they're doing something impossible...that's insane." and here you come, "Oh I just built my own, no big deal." lol.
  5. Home made? epic

    our school has two (got them last year) xD and 2 Lazer cutters ;3
  6. I want to go to your school now...