Its been fun...

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by TheRobotChicken, Sep 17, 2012.

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  1. i dont get it...(should add i am a natural blonde) can you explain?
    Nole972, jkjkjk182 and xI_LIKE_A_PIGx like this.
  2. :/
    This sucks, I was one of the few that respected you.

    Moderator: Nope
    Own a dragon egg: Nope
    300 days on EMC: Not even close
    RoBoT_ChIcKeN_66 likes this.
  3. I fixed your mistake:)
  4. Well I think I'll stay on the forums just not ingame
  5. Robot! Man im sad. Our collaborations were amazing and profitable but I guess that time is behind us.
    I guess everyone moves on eventually, but as the old saying goes: As a window closes, another opens.

    Good luck and stay in touch.
  6. Hate to see ya go Robot i remember we started building a mall on smp8 and one day.... you got off and never got back on smp8... i was bummed about you stopping, but now your leaving?! that just took the fun out of me for the day Good luck. and when you said you werent popular i was thinking (you are)!! Anyways Hope to see ya soon Good Luck!!!
  7. Hey, Could you sign me a book? I'm going to start collecting books from awesome people and stuff.
    Please :p
  8. Remember to drop by SMP2 now and then.
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