Item frames disappearing in my shop

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by wassatthen, Feb 23, 2013.

  1. Chunks are 16 by 16 blocks wide, so it will be a number that fits this formula: 16x - 1 for positive numbers, 16x for negative numbers.

    A utility like Rei's Minimap makes it the easiest, (you can set it to draw the chunk boundaries on the map) but you can also press F3 in game, and on the lines for x and z, there's a second part that looks like this: // c: # (#), where the first number is the chunk number you're in for that coordinate, and the second number is which block in that chunk you're on. Hope that helps. :)
    wassatthen and oremia like this.
  2. Hi.

    I've noticed that item frames disappear from my storage unit.
    When it first happened I'm not sure (It has happened several times), but I put up new ones on the wall in the orange storage room last night at res 206 – and now some of them has disappeared again.

    I was told that it should've been fixed by now (obviously it's not).

    When will it be safe to hang things up again?
  3. Don't place item frames on a chunk boundary
  4. My missing frames were indeed on a chunk line. I've replaced them and will post the results here..
  5. Is it safe to place item frames on chunk edges again?
  6. Yeah, they fixed it already :)
  7. Great, thanks
  8. yup, my test frames are still there