Is it possible to build an Iron Phoenix?

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by LustyDoctor, Aug 20, 2019.

  1. Me and my friend tried building Tango Tek's Iron Phoenix. However it spawns maybe 1 golem. Has anyone else tried this before?/is it even possible with the way EMC runs? Any insight would be appreciated!
  2. Any iron golem farm that involves cramming multiple villages into the same area won't work on EMC.
    PetezzaDawg likes this.
  3. They'll sometimes work, but the second you log off, it's done. And since we have automatic restarts every day, it's pretty much a waste of time.
  4. Is there a way that doesnt involve villages? Or is it the cramming of villages that's the issue
  5. Is there any fast 1.14 iron farm that will work on EMC?
  6. I believe it's the cramming villages, but all current iron farms will break in 1.14.
    PetezzaDawg likes this.
  7. I wouldn’t bother with an iron Phoenix as it won’t work in 1.14 even if it did work on EMC. You’re better off to build a few traditional cells now and start working on the frames of 1.14 ones so that they’re ready when we update.
    LustyDoctor and 607 like this.