Ironic-Sword Inc. Updates

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IronicSwordPlay, Aug 14, 2013.


Which Service Would You Use?

Poll closed Aug 14, 2014.
Farm Building 17 vote(s) 77.3%
Wild Hotel 4 vote(s) 18.2%
Protection 4 vote(s) 18.2%
Residence and Rebuilding 5 vote(s) 22.7%
My Mega Mall 6 vote(s) 27.3%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. As soon as I reopen the Ironic-Sword Farm Building Business ALL pre-orders will be fulfilled first!

    P.S where do you want to obsidian farm?
  2. At my res.I can give you perms.
  3. It will be in an underground area on my res.
    IronicSwordPlay likes this.
  4. okay then :)
  5. pictures will be uploaded soon!
  6. New Business added BUMP
  7. i would like a witch farm built, do you supply the materials?
    IronicSwordPlay likes this.
  8. yes i do supply them ur 3rd in line!
    Ark_Warrior1 likes this.
  9. IGN: yusei10123
    Alternate Accounts: none at the moment
    Job: Builder
    Will you do as you're told?: Yes
    Have you ever been banned or kicked (be honest): I have been permanently banned from Empire Minecraft
    If you've being banned or kicked why?: Impersonating staff for reward
  10. how much is an xpfarm
    IronicSwordPlay likes this.
  11. read the prices
  12. ok ill take a monster spawner farm for 2,500... im on smp4
    IronicSwordPlay likes this.
  13. oh yea I would like it built on smp2, but if you can't build it on that server, it isn't a problem =)
    IronicSwordPlay likes this.
  14. i could easily o on Smp2 fo u...
  15. Pre orders been start NOW

    Hotel on SMP1 will be up and running soon!
  16. UPDATE = I added new prices to different size farms now Enjoy :)
  17. How do you know if you get in for one of the slots?
  18. any update on the which farms?