Iron Golems in Town!!!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by TheRocketSurgeon, Mar 25, 2012.


Should Justin remove this?

Poll closed Apr 15, 2012.
Yes 9 vote(s) 18.0%
No 41 vote(s) 82.0%
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  1. This strangely reminded me of the chickens in The Ocarina of Time... you know when you try and attack them.

    C'mon, you can visualize that right? You're placing blocks where you're not allowed, suddenly DOZENS OF MAN-EATING CHICKENS DESCEND FROM THE SKY TO PUNISH YOU FOR YOUR MISDEEDS.
    Eppalblast124, Terr, ISMOOCH and 5 others like this.
  2. they can't spawn cause of villagers cause monsters /npcs can't spawn in town.. so @_@ *sigh* lol you can do it if you want to waste a pumpkin and 4 iron blocks
  3. NPC's can spawn fine - hostile mobs cant.

    However - an irongolem still got into town by the looks of it :D
    ISMOOCH likes this.
  4. Holy crap guys it like 2 in the morning!!
  5. ikr? :D ALL NIGHTER FOR ME :D
  6. He has the nose of a bloodhound. Or anything else that has a good nose. Like a mole.
  7. if we can naturally spawn them (not using iron blocks and pumpkins), we can have infinite iron!
  8. U mean like the void will kil u?
  9. And infinate roses!!
  10. Yes and even after the fix for those extremely easy iron farms there are still ways to iron farm
  11. The reason Iron Golems spawn next to villagers is because the story is that an Iron Golem was seen giving a rose to a little villager girl. That iswhy Iron Golems also drop roses.
  12. Even if you you use iron blocks you wouldstill get a profit of 1 iron ingot since killing 1 gloem gets you 5 iron.
  13. What I actually meant was that I'm unsure if golems spawning naturally in town was according to plan.

    You use iron blocks to create an iron golem (36 iron ingots total). You will be making a loss of iron.
    sagem4tt likes this.
  14. Oh but read the story that was the idea 4 have gloems
  15. epic fail
    y u golem no despawn
  16. You only need 15 villagers to have it spawn, but the more villagers, the better. Also, I think that justin should remove it because the price for iron will drop, destroying the economy.
  17. No, I mean in order to not heal in a res the admins must turn off the heal flag in your res, which I've never heard of done before. Plus, falling in the void won't kill you in town. You'll just be freefalling for ever and ever and ever and ever...
    I don't think it will destroy the economy, necessarily. It costs quite a bit to get 15+ villagers, put them in a house, and then have so many iron golems spawn that you can make a profit by selling the iron. It shouldn't kill the economy because only 5 ingots are dropped when an iron golem dies, so it's not like the market will be flooded or anything.
  18. That and iron golems PWN :D :D
  19. Over time, thats what I meant.
  20. i have my iron golems in a house with 24 doors and 31 villagers and i dont se them spawqning at all
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