IRC Giveway Event - Hosted by Brickstrike

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by BrickStrike, Aug 27, 2013.

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  1. Perfect :)
    brickstrike likes this.
  2. Went to the last one and had a great time but my phone wont let me type on it for some reason
    I can still join as a guest and stalk you guys though >:3
    Chascarrillo likes this.
  3. :p I plan to do these often now, when I have enough donations and at a time suitable for everyone.
  4. I payed 4.3 K.
  5. to whom? :D
  6. I payed brickeatsmuffins, but then you changed the thread saying that I can only pay xx brick..
  7. The event was cancelled
    brickstrike likes this.
  8. Yes, this is true... You guys need to listen to what I say, to have the giveaway. It's not fair to me, when I get spammed with messages while trying to host the event. There will be another one later this week, but today is not going to happen. Sorry guys.
    AliceF3 and RainbowChin like this.
  9. If need be, there's usually IRC commands for operators - mute and kick being the two that come to mind at the moment. Don't be afraid to use them when necessary if it helps you keep control of your giveaway room.
  10. I'm confused. :confused: Did this thing actually HAPPEN already, or is it being hosted at a later date?
  11. No it was canceled yesterday. It will probably start again maybe labor day?
  12. Which is what I'm confused about. Is there another one or no?
  13. These events will happen often, so yes there will be more.
    >.< I am not an operator on the IRC.
  14. Currently, due to school kicking back in, I am unable to do Giveaway's for a time, but on holidays I will try to do them. Donations have been returned in full, did not want to keep money/ items that weren't mine, if I can't do the events anymore... ;/ I am asking for this thread to be locked, until further notice is given, thank you all for the cooperation.
    Chascarrillo and AliceF3 like this.
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