Introductions are in order.

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by hayleycolgan, May 17, 2012.

  1. I'm pretty bad at that :s
    hayleycolgan likes this.
  2. You got yourself your Vice president :)

  3. Have you seen this one? lol this is coming rather popular now.. idk why xD
  4. That was their first hit. These guys are amazing.
  5. I was gonna post a haters song first, but I got beat to it.
  6. Good morning haters.

    That is all.
  7. Did the video have a budget of a chocolate bar?

    (PS, Welcome to the empire, If you need any help, Don't be afraid to ask yourself or a staff member)
  8. Likely, but hey.. haters gon hate!

  9. I'm almost sure it has the same production quality of "Friday" by Rebecca Black.
    Malicaii12, snozles and ISMOOCH like this.
  10. You mentioned the song again OH NOESES ITS STUCKS INS MYS HEADS AGAIN!!!!!
    Malicaii12 likes this.
  11. Good song. Know every word, bro. :)
  12. And I'z VP. I declared that a second ago. Thestar, you've been assassinated. By me.
  13. Same. :D
  14. There's more out there!

  16. since I am a ghost,My first order of bussniss will be to go in to justin and take over his body,moahahahahahahaha
    Now,Since I am justin,I Will rule EMC!!!!!!!!! :D
  17. I was going to post that, but you beat me to it. So, as there are so many here on EMC,
    "Terribel spellers fo teh wrold untie!"
  18. lolz.. untie
    hayleycolgan likes this.
  19. Untie what....:confused:
    hayleycolgan likes this.
  20. Unite, friend, unite.
    It's okay. It took me a minute to work out what Secret was untying also.