[Interest Check] Race For Wool?

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by RainbowChin, Sep 12, 2013.



Yes 8 vote(s) 38.1%
Yes, depending on date/time 12 vote(s) 57.1%
No 1 vote(s) 4.8%
  1. Okay, as an update, I now have a server and am in the process of adding my own bits to it :)
    Also, I had the idea of dropping the tournament part of it and simply doing it for fun, when people can in teams.
    Thoughts on that?
    SkyDragonv8, THE_P1XEL and penfoldex like this.
  2. Yes, just yes...
  3. This definitely would make it more likely to happen. If I can, I would love to participate.
  4. I will happily participate either way
    As long as it's on a good date for me anyway, weekends would be great

    Would we all talk somehow?
    In a Skype call or something?
    Or maybe Mumble, but to be honest I'm not really to sure how Mumble works since I've never been on it...
  5. Weekends would be best for me too, as I'm off work then.
    How the teams talk would be arranged between them, but Skype is usually the most popular.
    AliceF3 likes this.
  6. Would this be just one competition or a few of them?
  7. How would the teams be decided?
  8. I might just join you for these, if they don't happen on Mondays, Wednesdays, and some Fridays.

    Voice clients listed from best to worst: Vent>Mumble>TS3>Skype

    If you ask me to use skype, I will not play with you.
  9. As many as we can manage with the teams we have, I think.
    You could decide teams amongst yourselves, just make sure that you could all be available to play at the same time.
    That seems good then, I would only manage weekends myself.
    As for the voice clients, is it easy enough to host on the others or could we use the EMC mumble?
  10. Okay, I can now say happily say that the map is ready for use :)
    Once we can get some teams together (probably next weekend), we might be able to have a game. :D
    AliceF3 likes this.