In need of a doctor

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by QuarterStop, Dec 27, 2012.

  1. My dog gave me the "are you crazy" eyes.
    I tried but my bone was for somereason attached to my torso, any advice?
    Well umm my bum has an arrow in it too, I cant amputate that..
    killerzone and Jcplugs like this.
  2. Ok new steps:
    Disconnect, kick the dog in its face, clap 3 times, jump 2 twice, touch your left foot with your right hand, then you right foot with your right hand, scratch your head with any hand, speak the following: 'nfell2009 ROCKZZ!!', give the dog a hug and hope it isn't dead, and now reconnect.
    mba2012, QuarterStop and Jcplugs like this.
  3. ... Don't you think that is just abit mean, cmon who would kick this?

    Ipod Pictures 007.JPG
    killerzone, mba2012 and nfell2009 like this.
  4. I used to charge 1000000 diamonds on other servers for this type of issue... but on here....
    I will remove 1/2 of the arrows for 20,000r. All of them for 50,000r :D
    mba2012 and QuarterStop like this.
  5. Cheapskate.
    killerzone likes this.
  6. True. Well, don't sit down then!
  7. Actually, if he were to sit down, the arrow in his bum would enter the body (lets not go into details how) and would most likely absorb into him. I prescribe my new arrow reduction medication which can be found at 4088 on smp2.
    Please also note I am not a doctor and was in fact forcefully removed from medical school for outrageous ideas. Cheers!
    QuarterStop and mba2012 like this.
  8. Coming right now, I need a dosage of 500 millagrams alright?
    killerzone likes this.
  9. Mmk my prescription killed him. In the name of science though. I know now that giving injured people poisonous beverages kills them. We shall rejoice this day, for knowledge of all things medicinal has increased tenfold!
    mba2012 and QuarterStop like this.
  10. Have you tried my method?
    _Stads_, mba2012 and QuarterStop like this.
  11. Well these things do happen :p
    QuarterStop and mba2012 like this.