I'm Leaving Until Further Notice.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by t6ler, Jun 10, 2012.

  1. Read the edit.
  2. Ah
  3. Even with the edit: I spend basically all my time on SMP2 and there is no "sneaky" moderators.
  4. I heard that pigs can fly..... Must be true
  5. Just saying, every admin/mod has the ability to see what every other admin/mod does, through Square. If an admin/mod did abuse thier powers, another admin/mod would notice it, and take an appropriate action. We don't just moderate players, we moderate admins/mods, too. With that said, good riddance.
    SuperVal_Junior likes this.
  6. Well said bob. Even if I hate to see people to leave the empire, falsely accusing the mods who spend most of their free time tending to emc is just plain wrong and disrespectful. So yeah, next time when someone tries to kill you it's considered as pvp and is against the rules, first thing to do when that happens is to take a snapshot of what happen and report the matter to a mod that is online and show him/her the picture. The guy should be banned if you taken the necessary step mention above.

    Anyways, have a good break from the empire. Bye bye!
  7. Of course some mods have to be sneaky from time to time. I'm sure they'll catch people cheating if they go "HEY YOU ARE YOU CHEATING?"
    SecretAznEks and PandasEatRamen like this.
  8. Har har har, very funny.
    MR2R2M likes this.
  9. A liar begins with making falsehood appear like truth, and ends with making truth itself appear like falsehood.

  10. Ahh, big gulps huh? Alright... Welp, see ya later.