I'm Back. AMA/ 1 Million rupee giveaway!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by PetezzaDawg, Nov 25, 2018.


Do you know me?

Yes 23 vote(s) 62.2%
no 14 vote(s) 37.8%
  1. Definitely building, mining and combat (except against others) is a bit tedious
    CarFryer likes this.
  2. Welcome back, what colours your toothbrush?
    PetezzaDawg likes this.
  3. Welcome back!

    Do you like Hamilton?
    PetezzaDawg likes this.
  4. Orangey red
    I don’t know what that is
  5. Its an American thing don't worry about it lol

    Also glad to see you're back!
    Now who is the pumpkin you missed most while you couldn't play? :)
    PetezzaDawg likes this.
  6. Welcome back what kind of music/artist do you like
    PetezzaDawg likes this.
  7. you know :)

    I like rap, my favorite artists being Eminem, Joyner lucas, meek mill, and a few others
    rykly18 likes this.
  8. bump! Enter for a chance to win a 100k prize! There'll be ten total prizes totalling 1 million!
    rykly18 likes this.
  9. Welcome back!

    are you going to collect promos again?
  10. Yes, but the museum I was working on most likely won't happen at least not for a long time. it went derelict and I may or may not have lost 2 or 3 pieces of purple power armour :p
    Sefl51 likes this.
  11. pete is back :D and i for sure, remember you :p
    now i do really hope you didnt lose anything due to derelictness or so, also i'm really happy to see you back
    now my question :p

    would you win a race against a goose? now do bare in mind, geese can be really fast.
    PetezzaDawg likes this.
  12. Welcome back to EMC! So... what's your fave food in Minecraft? (mine are cookies lol)
    PetezzaDawg likes this.
  13. Welcome back PeterazzDawg! Thanks for this giveaway! How did you make a million rupees?
    PetezzaDawg likes this.
  14. Welcome back! What is your favorite sport?
    PetezzaDawg likes this.
  15. Peteez Back! Welcome you ol Dawg you!
    Glad to see you here.
    PetezzaDawg likes this.
  16. Welcome back :)
    PetezzaDawg likes this.
  17. Welcome back! :D

    How do you pronounce gif? ;)
    rykly18 likes this.
  18. Probably not I’m not a great runner

    Fish because I have like 20 dcs of them lying around so it’s an easy food source

    A combination of things. I sold a lot of beacons, promos, and other bits, and a friend who left gave me about 70k as well. Honestly it’s not that hard I’m just lazy which combined with my pc breaking is why this didn’t happen earlier

    Couch surfing

    How do you pronounce data?
    rykly18 likes this.
  19. Welcome back :)

    On minecraft, what's your favourite horse color?
    PetezzaDawg likes this.
  20. Hi Pete welcome back I remember your name from the forums
    PetezzaDawg likes this.