If you could have....

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by no_thing, Sep 27, 2012.

  1. Hmm, I would take all the supercomputers in the world, make one huge supercomputer, and play minecraft.
    Jimbonothing64 likes this.
  2. No time limit. No time in general. You choose when you do stuff, such as dying.
    mba2012 likes this.
  3. Honestly, I would probably want a house in the mountains of Colorado (like the one in the pic) Free of property tax and all those other little expenses that would come with it.
  4. To be able to go into any game at will. If I die in the game, I would respawn, or be taken out of the game.
  5. I wish for a way to reverse my sadistic personality.
    Jimbonothing64 likes this.
  6. Me too!
  7. My ultimate dream ... would be for pmaz8 and me to finally meet and be actual boyfriends ... so maybe i can get my first ever hug ... i haven't got one so far - and my dream is to have a hug :D
    mba2012, Jimbonothing64 and hayjam like this.
  8. I would have the ability to make up my mind over what I want to have.
  9. I would have all my wants become needs :D
    penfoldex likes this.
  10. The ability to heal everyone and anyone of any and all types of pain, disease, wounds, injuries, disorders and such of any type mental and physical by simple will, combined with the side affect of anyone affected by my curative nature gaining their true form, that is a form that shows their true inner nature. No more hidden silver tongued devils, no more true innocents being accused of terrible crimes, no more people being shoved into categories or classes they do not belong in and everyone could see everyone else for who and what they truly are inside and what they are truly capable of. No more limitations of diseased bodies, malformed bodies, bodies that do not fit who you are, nobody hating their body anymore... no more disabled peoples, no more nobody believing when you have a condition... With this the possibility of a true self-made paradise would be well within sight and reach of the human race.
  11. One box... of everything, I can have any of it at anytime. :cool:
    mba2012 and Jimbonothing64 like this.
  12. Since I love physics I ought to say that your want is highly preposterous! If there was no time nothing would move since velocity is the change in distance divided by the change in time. Dividing through by zero cannot happen and thus velocity would become undefined or non existent. Basically your want would end life as we knew it :D
  13. I want creepers to leave me alone in the wild!

    In all honesty though, peace on earth!
    Jimbonothing64 likes this.
  14. Clever...
  15. I would like to feed the belly of every starving child in the world, and give them a warm cozy house.
    mba2012, Jimbonothing64 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  16. Telekinis. That would be cool.
    Jimbonothing64 likes this.
  17. Jimbonothing64 likes this.
  18. Excellent…
    EmpireShop and Jimbonothing64 like this.
  19. The abilaty to stop time...
  20. that was already said lol