I screwed up 2 :[

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Xxandster700xX, Oct 2, 2012.


Do you hate me?

Yes 7 vote(s) 17.9%
No 32 vote(s) 82.1%
  1. It was in the grey text... looks like he removed it now though.

    Maybe change the glass to anything else?
    _Stads_ and PandasEatRamen like this.
  2. :)
    IronClad1017 likes this.
  3. In 1.4 there should be Enforced glass.
    Made of glass, 7 times over.
  4. Thank you for for admitting your accident, and I think Bigdavie will be very impressed with your owner ship!
    And I said NO because your one of the best EMC players because you own up to stuff, and I like your res!
  5. Not in 1.4 - they are basically done adding stuff to the 1.4 update.

    Notice the 2 in the title. Not the first time this exact thing/ thread has happened... lol
    IronClad1017 likes this.
  6. Thanks for that useful post :)
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  7. You mean like in Tekkit?
    IronClad1017 likes this.
  8. I know it was very helpful and useful.
  9. I slaughtered BigDavie on Aikar's server during Maxarias' livestream. He was AFK and then I got killed xD He was really chill about it.... Because he didn't come back from AFK for ages xD

    As you have said, it was an accident. Nobody can hate you for lagging out and breaking one piece of glass.

    The reason why you were banned is because it may have looked like griefing. Just a security thing, don't worry about it.
  10. Uh, he wasn't banned...
  11. Now who put the workbench? :rolleye: