If you wanna watch any of them, this site has all of them up and constantly updates when new ones come along. http://www.free-tv-video-online.me/internet/doctor_who_(2005)/
I think it's usually just "Doctor" or "The Doctor!" and that is followed by "EXTERMINATE" And then Pew pew...... Unless you are adorable...in which case we like to think this happens
If it is the kickoff for the newest season i do know the episode you are speaking of. (That episode was a mindtrip)
I can say this. If you need anything, just ask Krysyyjane9191. She is like a freak about the tv show. (I mean freak in a good way).
wait wht new season new 1 starts march 30 for me in the U.S. of A. somethin that remind me of is something my friend said " I told me teacher the other day that the only word is need to know is the U.S. and A. he trying to be redneck
The first couple of seasons of the 11th doctor I found awful. It got better later. Doctors 9 and 10 are my favorites.
Same here. I found the 11th to be a bit TOO child like at first, and just kinda awkward in general, but he got better as the season went on
i started with the eleventh, only reason ever started watching is i saw it on often when seeing if Topgear was on on the BBC and i was like sounds interesting and i saw the last bit of Vampires in Venice i think
Also, I'd like to recommend that you start by watching a few episodes of each companion/doctor near the beginning, and watch in order from there (on Netflix for me). That way, you'll have protection against the people that are like "ELEVEN ISN'T TENNANT I WILL NEVER WATCH AGAIN" or "AMY ISN'T ROSE I HATE THIS SHOW NOW". No problem with opinions, but this is the way some Whovians are, and it's insane. But anyway, welcome to the Whoniverse!