I got banned =(

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by Axel_Axel, Dec 10, 2011.

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  1. Well wether it counts as PVP or not, it's 100% griefing and not allowed. :)
    albino_donkey likes this.
  2. But you are the source of the lava.
    By your same logic there is no pvp in minecraft at all. As the player is never the source of the damage. The weapons do all the damage. Btw lava is listed as a weapon too.
  3. Following on that logic path "technically" punching someone with your bare fist would be the only source of dictionary defined PvP

    Edit: I myself don't follow this option trail. I believe it was intentional PvP and justifies the perm-ban.
    albino_donkey likes this.
  4. I suppose you could justify just about anything then can't you? Saying that it wasn't me that killed you, it was my sword is a really rotten argument. It is not only against the rules to set someone on fire but also just a rude and inconsiderate thing to do. We all get angry when we die after a long session of gathering rare materials... it adds insult to injury when you are killed and robbed by another player.

    I completely agree with this being a ban on the first offense.

    EDIT: I also would like to point out that many of us, if not all of us, choose to play on Empire because of the rules that make it a nice place to hang out. It is actions like these that destroy our beloved community and end up ruining the game. If you want to go set someone on fire, go find a server where that is acceptable. Personally I don't think those kinds of servers end up being very fun to play on - hence the rules set for the Empire.
  5. In relevance to this conversation, you could also say "The Devil made me do it!"
  6. i think its mean to not give me a second chance cause i missunderstood one question i thought there was no pvp in town and that in wild everyone could kill you a supporter even said that and now im perma banned i have done all the other tutorials and read empire guide but forgott about it and now im permabann and do you think i would put down time in this just so i could get banned again ?
  7. Ahh yes, except close acquaintances and friends on the server, I consider you to be a person I would trust :)
    Crazy1080 likes this.
  8. Don't worry, I have no intentions of lighting you on fire.
    MR2R2M likes this.
  9. the smart course here would have been taking a screen cap of the supporter that told you this was ok.
  10. Please post your argument in a private message to the moderator who banned you, or any other staff member :)

    If you are unsure of what to do, Dark_Liz put it clearly here (click this)
    ISMOOCH likes this.
  11. Phew, thanks :D
    Crazy1080 likes this.
  12. do you have that response on speed dial ? =P
    MR2R2M and Crazy1080 like this.
  13. haha no, I just remembered posting it on another thread, so I thought it would be fitting to post it here, seen as no one has done so yet :)
    ISMOOCH likes this.
  14. ISMOOCH do you really think i screenshot when he said so because i knew i would get banned ? it was a normal question i dont screen shot all my questions
  15. Well, when it comes to questions about rules that are posted in the guide, I would suggest to players to get a screen cap of someone giving you an answer, just so you can at least have some "fire power" in circumstances like this :)
    ISMOOCH likes this.
  16. I was just saying what would have been best case scenario for you. I mean if a police officer told me i could murder somebody with no consequences i am definitely getting him on tape doing it...

    at which time i will promptly have him arrested XD
    MR2R2M likes this.
  17. Exactly
    XD loving the grey mate :D
    ISMOOCH likes this.
  18. its a trend.. seemed appropriate.
    MR2R2M likes this.
  19. Well, I think this is the beginings of a "grey" cult XD
    ISMOOCH likes this.
  20. well i have to go to bed now. you and crazy have kept me up to long.

    it would indeed seem so.
    MR2R2M likes this.
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