How many rupees would I have to pay....

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by sgx2000, Sep 18, 2012.

  1. Why use coal I have chests full of blaze rods I get as by-product of blaze grinder.
    chickeneer, Importerer and mba2012 like this.
  2. Why use blaze rods when I have a double chest of lava?
    chickeneer likes this.
  3. why use blaze rods when you have sticks? :p
  4. Why use sticks when you have cacti!
  5. Wait you can use Cacti? I didn't know this... hmm
  6. Jeremy doesn't even have access to it i think.
  7. he has full privileges just like justin, they are coowners
  8. I believe he has access to it, but him using it is probably very rare since he most likely doesn't have it installed on his Minecraft launcher. My assumption anyway.
  9. It doesnt need to be installed on a launcher... its purely a server mod. no client modding needed :)
  10. oh, I actually know nothing about it... lol