How many Rupees Transaction Pages Do you have?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mittenkitty, Nov 19, 2012.

  1. Yep... that's right How many pages have you accumulated over your time in EMC?

    Currently as of 20/11/12
    I have 1387 Pages of transactions
  2. 623. and its cut off D: It the oldest page is not my first transactions
    I had 9,332 rupees on my oldest transaction..
  3. I feel like an old salesman.. :confused:
  4. I have Currently 897 pages xD
  5. 162 i left EMC for 3 months at 1 point, and i have saved my rupees since.
  6. 49, but it should be longer.
  7. 1083 Pages. Yesterday was my 100th day.
  8. Andy...You cray :p
    FatAndyTheGreat likes this.
  9. 169, but I had 5,000 rupees where it was cut off.
  10. I have 275 pages and 30 Transactions per page soo 7,710 Transsactions give or take in 297 days :)
  11. I've got 368 pages of them :)
  12. 3211 pages of rupee history for me for my one account =)

    EDIT: And the last page has me at about 8k not complete
  13. I've got 104 pages :)
    And also some on my first account, dunno how much.
  14. Only 111 Pages... Cut off I had 2,992r
  15. 74, cut off at 2,702
  16. 2662 Pages so 79 860 altogether
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