Highlancer's Halloween Competition (Feat. Dramanya)

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by highlancer54, Oct 4, 2015.

  1. Heh,

    1. I don't have steam :(
    2. My parents kinda don't like Minecraft so I won't be entering.

    Good luck to all the contestants! I can't wait to see the costumes! :D
  2. You could make a steam and see if there's any games you'd like, and as for your parents, not much to say :\

    My parents don't 'love' me playing Minecraft but they don't mind, and they didn't have a problem with the idea of me making a costume so I'm doing it XD

    Plus I have a ton of school supplies I've saved over the years and it's just sitting there because I end up buying more every year anyway, so this a good way to use it.
  3. I usually don't like any other game except Minecraft, Plants VS. Zombies, and occasionally board/card games as apps...so I probably won't be getting a steam since I wouldn't have much use for it.

    I usually end up throwing away my school supplies because it just gets worn out by the end of the year xD :I

    My dad doesn't mind me playing Minecraft, in fact, he plays it himself! But my mom absolutely hates it. She made me delete the app on my iPod :/ Plus, she has Halloween with me....maybe next year I can participate :)
  4. Suppose whether or not you like Steam is all personal taste. I dislike certain types of games but I do like a fair bit of their library and have bought many games myself :p

    I don't plan to use the costume for anything other than this, I usually just go over to my friends house and he's got a bucket of costume stuff that we use.
    JPGamer1000 likes this.
  5. I like it!
  6. My arsenal of tools and cardboard hehe
    Dramanya, highlancer54 and Dufne like this.