
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by generalfelino015, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. All of you have your own buissnes, and I know that, my old friends are almost gone, but that is why I have new friends. You guys :D.
  2. Lol, thnx if a very nice human :D.
  3. Well im special :D
    generalfelino015 likes this.
  4. Special? In what way?
  5. ALL xD
    generalfelino015 likes this.
  6. Ok.....................
  7. Jk just in that awesome kind of way :p
    generalfelino015 likes this.
  8. Ok……….
  9. Welcome to EMC, I have seen you before though :3
  10. Lol, I lived more time than you :D Tigerstar. And I saw you sometimes in the forums and in smp7.
  11. You don't live in the worst country, I do
  12. You live in Argentina, I live in Py.
  13. Yeah, that's why
  14. So now Argentina is worst than Py?
  15. Of course, since 2003