Hi There!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by xNotBrayden, Jul 29, 2016.

  1. Hi!

    Hello my name is Brayden, and I just joined EmpireMC today.
    So far everyone has been very nice, which made me feel comfortable around others.
    I am very excited to start meeting everyone and talk to you guys. Thanks everyone for the
    greeting when I joined. Thanks bye!.

    -Brayden <3
    Vizsco, 607 and AyanamiKun like this.
  2. Welcome to the Empire, Brayden! This certainly is a very nice place, and I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying it!
    Vizsco and 607 like this.
  3. i think i saw u on smp2 earlier? welcome 2 the empire, hope ur gonna enjoy it here!
  4. Hi Brayden. Welcome to the Empire. Enjoy your stay. :)
  5. Welcome to the empire, enjoy your stay!
  6. Welcome! By any chance you like Harley Quinn :p
  7. I see you haven't been on the forums since 6 minutes after you joined, but if you ever read this: I hope you're having fun! :)