Hi I'm Killerzone /Known as Xandrow

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by killerzone, Dec 30, 2012.

  1. Sup brah. Welcome back.
  2. *looks around with eyes* I didn't totally donate :p He's living with me guys, in my mini rehab facilitity underground, under the shady tree...
    killerzone likes this.
  3. Thanks m8 :)
    QuarterStop likes this.
  4. Welcome back to the EMC community
  5. The ReHab center is waiting for you to check in for today :p
    killerzone likes this.
  6. Welcome back!
    QuarterStop likes this.
  7. Welcome back, I remember when you were still playing as xandrow. Welcome back! :D
  8. Thanks :)
    QuarterStop likes this.
  9. It's newyear soon! gonna celebrate :D

    Going to party soon, won't come back till tomorrow probly. :)
    QuarterStop likes this.