Hey alll <3

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by klamepa, Oct 23, 2011.

  1. I know, it is awesome isn't it :D And Liz was one of the 4 female players that I know I have net in game and talked to. So :p
  2. I don't get the big deal about gender myself... we're all just people here.

    And really, someone who presents themselves as a pretty girl shows up and everyone goes nuts? :rolleyes:

    Are you trying to scare away people who happen to be girls?

    Anyway, welcome Ashley. I hope you enjoy the Empire! :)

  3. hey it wasn't an argument if it was it would still be going on and i know liz is...and gender is irrelevant 99.9% of the time on the internet,so i agree with Liz on that one...Just saying
  4. She's right ya know why scare away people of the different gender I think (personaly) that girls are playing it just as much as guys so don't hate :p
    ZerreissenDirge likes this.
  5. I'm on both sides of this. As a community, I'd like to think that as we grow, we'll get to know each other more as people. Some of my best friends have come from online communities such as this. So, I'm not 100% on the side of "gender isn't so important" because gender is in fact a part of who we are as people. Those that wish to remain anonymous, however, still have the full respect to do so.

    At the same time, I don't think it's proper to oogle over people JUST BECAUSE they're the opposite sex. Yes, it is natural human nature to do that, but, surely, you can at least get to know the people and who they are before just becoming super friendly JUST because they're a guy or a girl. :)
    ZerreissenDirge likes this.
  6. hi welcome to GameKrib server
  7. You mean Empire minecraft i think as that is what the site says. But yes the Minecraft server ran by the Gamekrib admin(if that is what you mean then you are correct dark)
  8. ...just for the record, I'm gender-anonymous. And I'd prefer to be seen as gender-neutral. I have made no claims as to my identity other than that I am human. Any presumptions you've made about my gender based on my outward appearance are just that, presumptions.

    It is wise to withhold presumptions about people based on what they appear to be and what they say about themselves, especially on the internet. For all you know I might not even be human as I claim to be, lol. I could be an alien tapping into your earthling communication systems from light years away, or even an extra-dimensional entity using my very essence to communicate with you in your low-frequence, three-dimensional time/space-based reality. However unlikely those possibilities may be, you really have no way of knowing one way or another... in spite of whatever claims I may make.

    But regardless of what I am, I'd like to be treated purely as a human being. I imagine that may be difficult for many of you as we're not used to treating each other that way.

    I know most of you may not believe this because our ideas about gender are so strongly cultured into us, but gender is an illusion. It's whatever we think it is, and has no real basis in reality other than in our minds, individually and collectively (gender being distinctly seperate from biological sex here).

    Sorry if I've hijacked your intro thread with 'Progressive Gender Philosophy 101' here Ashley. This just seemed an appropriate moment to speak about it.

    I hope you'll bring the discussion back to whatever topic happens to interest you. :)
  9. (purpoelsy changes subject) So ashley what do you think f the empire so far? (plz ignore the whole gender thing its not like us usually)
    ZerreissenDirge and autonamus like this.
  10. Yeah, enough with the philosophicals giving my email inbox a headache. :)
    ZerreissenDirge likes this.