Help me with permissions config?

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by 1998golfer, Sep 29, 2012.

  1. rlly? u put urself as owner? -_-
  2. because then I can test it works for you :p I was gonna delete myself afterwards
  3. -_- suuuuuure
  4. ok i may be joking in a way I can help :p
  5. damn, send me then server file log
  6. ok. its like 18.3mb though so u want me to jsut do the past day?
  7. Ok so from what I can see is that the bukkit is out of date, permissions could be out of date, and that your playing in offline mode may affect the permissions plugin
  8. ok. i updated permissions yesterday. and offline mode is neede3d cuz my friends dont have real minecraft accounts.. im updating bukkit right now.
  9. Also!

    Stop the server
    delete the server log file
    start the server
    wait for server to load
    stop the server
    send me the server log file as its new
  10. after i make sure all is updated?
    nfell2009 likes this.
  11. yeha
  12. Ikr! It's like he was hiding under a rock the whole time... Derp :p
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  13. did u look over the log?
  14. There is something called "Nodes" which are normally posted on the bukkit plugin forum. It is something like this:
    Essentials.Home . Just put that then :true/false depending if u want the person to use the command or not. Hope this helps :)