
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Releias, Sep 7, 2017.

  1. yay! ty!
    MoreMoople likes this.
  2. Welcome to EMC! As always, Beware of smp8 ;)
    MoreMoople and ComicalCanine like this.
  3. I think we've already met somewhat, but I do welcome you to the Empire. You'll find many helpful people here as you may have already seen, we certainly try to be excellent to each other here.
    607 and ComicalCanine like this.
  4. lol oki XD
  5. thank you and yeah XD
  6. Small Fyi, you can quote more than once in the same post, hehe.
    ComicalCanine likes this.
  7. noidcw
    ComicalCanine likes this.
  8. I still like answering each person individually X3
    finch_rocks_1 likes this.
  9. I'm really considering it- but idk
    computers being wonky and I don't feel like crashing on and off all night
  10. The amount of single responses are quite on point, what is your wpm on keyboard lol
    ComicalCanine likes this.
  11. it depends on whether or not I'm motivated, caffinated or brain dead XD lol
  12. Remember you can put multiple quotes into one post, so you don't need to have 3+ posts right after each other. ;)
    ComicalCanine likes this.
  13. wtf did i type lmao
    ComicalCanine likes this.
  14. I know-
    I just like replying to each person individually :)
  15. only you're laptop knows
  16. idk i was no slep
    ComicalCanine likes this.
  17. I know the feels X3
  18. lol so whats up
    ComicalCanine likes this.
  19. not much- about to pop onto the launcher
  20. Just wanna say welcome to the pack!
    ComicalCanine likes this.