Hello, I'm quite a long time on Empire Minecraft and sadly I have forgotten to introduce myself. I am Lyptuzz the potion brewer. I can brew any kind of potion you would want me to. If you want to buy my potions, I am available on SMP 3. My residence number is 7495. If you can't see the potion you're looking for, I am often at the Info Desk in my brewery. I live in The Netherlands, so I will be online Central European Time. I am not Dutch if you would have thought so, I am Finnish and I also can speak Swedish. I had my old shop on SMP 1, at the address 408. Then because a few people that I know very well moved or lived to/at SMP 3, I went to SMP 3. Then I've been hunting for a very long time in the wilderness. Then I sadly found a server so I didn't go to EMC for a long time, then that server got a few problems so it couldn't start (I know that because my brother owned that server), that's why I came back to EMC. Not a quite a long time ago I began my brewery with more than a DC* full of potions. If you wonder why my Night Vision Potions and Invisibility Potions are so expensive, it is because every 3 of those potions cost a Golden Carrot, and a Golden Carrot costs 8 Golden Nuggets. *DC=Double Chest
Welcome to EMC! I am the Tomato King! If you haven't make sure to read the EMC guide -----> EMC GUIDE
Heeeelloooo EmpireMinecraft!!!! Lyptuzz!!!! I am one of the happiest members of EMC and also I love LEGO!!!!
It's the title, a little common courtesy, and a little habit. Usually if people plan on making a "About me" thread it's when they're new