hello efry 1 happy sinter claas note this is probely only for pipe that live near the duchts

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by daanhu, Nov 30, 2023.

  1. hello i like to wish efry 1 a hapy sinter claas

    note this is probely more of a duchts fetiveties

    in begium i tink its on 6 december and in germany its highly town dependant and its a pries with some kind of demon in some places so for efry 1 a happy sinter claas

    for efry 1 that does not know waht sinter claas is
    its basicly almost the same a kristmas but instead of santa clous its a pries with black folowers that bring gifts in shoes until it pakjes avond and u get more presents

    note the black folowers part is maybe a little racist and that is be ing changed a little bit
    to like find a middle ground between pipel that find it racist and find that it shut be how it was

    we also mainly eat special sinter claas candy
    peper noten those are basicly half spheres that are a little dry but have a rilly nice taste mixes super well with choclate milk
    and some oder tings

    note belgium and germany have difrent ideas but i tink it also includes wite tall priests

    in belgium if im corect its normal to give the pipel that bring you the presents beer
    belgiums and germans are weart i know they are our nabours but stil
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