hello and goodbye for a while

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by hallandr721, Mar 31, 2014.

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  1. As some of you may know I'm hallandr721 and also boobear721,
    Now lately I haven't felt quite like I was the same person. I was once a 90% average student but now I'm a 50% average student, so for a while now I have been getting bullied and I think that is a part of why my average went down but from this bulling that has been going on for years I have just given up, and I have started to lash out and yell at people trying to help me. So I shall take a break from emc for a while to find myself again and deal with this bully the only way i know, with kindness, so goodbye for now. Also I'll try to come to next weeks event cause I'm to partake in it.
    Bye all of emc I hope to be back soon
  2. Good bye threads aren't allowed on Emc.
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