Head Concussion D=

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Dead_On_Justice, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. How did the surgery go?
  2. Hey guys. This is actually dead! =D
  3. Yeah, you survived :D, j/k, hi dead!
  4. read the conversation I sent ya. =D
  5. Congratulations :)
  6. How did the surgery go?
  7. Just curious... but why were you facing the wrong way?
  8. Since he said he had a helmet, running the bases is my guess.

    I'm glad to hear you are ok, DeadOn.
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  9. You would not die from a head concussion...only if you get no medical attention (EMC attention does not help)....
  10. I play baseball so, sometimes when a pitcher throws a pitch, the batter will take a sometimes stupid route to get out of the way or thats the best way they can think of to get out of the way. Remember u have like 1sec top react. :)
  11. This is why I play baseball with those giant bouncy balls :cool:
    princebee and Ark_Warrior1 like this.
  12. Yeah, you're right. I jumped out of the way and turned around then I did, and paid the price for it.
  13. I got hit by a car once. (I'm stupid) I got a head concussion. They are not fun.