Happy Valentines Day!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by d1223m, Feb 14, 2012.

  1. 2012-02-14_17.07.29.png
    There you go :)
    nnnnmc1, hayleycolgan and d1223m like this.
  2. YAY! Poor chicken... that cow doesnt look interested at all...
  3. ROFL at your Dope Zebra Signature
  4. Just give me my money now, please. :p

    (You know, 'cause the creeper loves the cactus and stuff..)

  5. My boyfriend doent like Valentines day. Ive never had one. :(
    ISMOOCH likes this.
  6. Time for a new boyfriend. :D If I wasn't so dang OLD!!! LOL
    d1223m likes this.
  7. Love it, its like a creeper that needs glasses and doesnt realise!
  8. It was hard to get it to look right.
    I never got it to look right.
    I am a sad Crazy1080. :(
    hayleycolgan likes this.
  9. I feel sorry for the creeper. Genuinely D:
  10. Who cares about obligation day anyways? If he does romantic things without provocation, then you're better off.
    d1223m and Crazy1080 like this.
  11. 2012-02-14_18.35.55.png
    This is what happens when i try to do a valentines creeper thing...
    d1223m, hayleycolgan and Crazy1080 like this.
  12. New Zealand FTW :) Happy Tuesday to everyone on the other side of the world!
    Twitch1 and ISMOOCH like this.
  13. I see what you are in to ;) interspecies relations
    d1223m and hayleycolgan like this.
  14. With a MASSIVE 7 likes I proclaim this epicly romantic picture the winner!I just sent you 500r.

    Maybe amadai can organise this next year.... :D
    PThagaard likes this.
  15. Its in 3d btw!

    And thanks :D It wasent to say anything bad about valentines day or "love" just trying to think outside the box :)
  16. Yeah...he doenst though.
  17. *ISMOOCH likes this *
