Happy St. Patrick's Day 2025!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by chickeneer, Mar 17, 2025.

  1. Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! I have released a promo for you all today available via /promo stpatricks25. A new series of promos (not strictly related to St. Patrick's Day). The promo and series is called "Block Head".

    I don't want to overexplain the promo. But a 'legend' around St. Patrick's day is that St. Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland. The internet would tell me that this is a metaphor or something. But I am giving you all the opportunity to drive out the snakes from the game of Minecraft with your very own Block Head wearable promo. Enjoy!

    It is also available in the /shopworld.
    607, weeh, LindenNZ and 17 others like this.
  2. I can vouch that they truly WORK!!! I have been on looking for snakes, and havent found even one left!!

    Thank you chicken!

    Cuz I dont like spiders and snakes.

    KryptoNerd, XxartboyxX, weeh and 3 others like this.
  3. When will this be available in the shop world?
  4. Oops. I forgot to push the deploy button. It'll be up shortly
  5. Haha! It works! Thank you
  6. Works every bit as well as the Bear Patrol.
  7. I love the name of the promo! :D
  8. Some people were (jokingly) upset that you get your own promos. Lol
  9. The firefly bush is MINE :cool:

    Is the Blockhead supposed to be soulbound? Because it is listed only as "wearable"
    BlockHead_56 likes this.
  10. They've been turned to stew
    BlockHead_56 likes this.