Hey Brain, what are we gonna do tonight? The same thing we do every night Pinky, TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!
Parkours? Hm, not really a lucrative industry, people don't make them with cash in mind. I'll consider it tomorrow when I have more time.
Hmmm.. It's different from week to week. The last weeks i made more than them before. This week like 5k, the two weeks before only 500 r and in sonera weeks i earn nothing... But it is enough for me I'm glad about each rupee i make, even I only get one
I'd say it's in the hundreds of transactions before a rupee leaves. A significant number of times, it actually goes into a pool of rupees by a wealthy player and stays in the economy. New updates will remedy this soon. The shop has always had extremely high prices, and was never a base of what you would actually pay for items. It's designed - and always was - designed to be a market cap to deter inflation. Shop prices have always been ridiculously high, that has not changed over time. I disagree. First the premise of an "ultimate goal" of an economy is a bit off. A economy / economic system is a means behind the scenes to analyse how trades and transactions are made. The economy itself does not have a goal. A government for instance may have a goal for their economy, but that's determined outside of the economic system. An economy where everyone "getting access to everything they want and need" won't be an effective economy for long. Case in point, I want a Koenigsegg, and it doesn't mean the economy is effective or it would be ideal if everyone who wanted one got it. Otherwise a good glance into the economical system as a whole, and as it applies to EMC. In regards to the levels of the system, I believe it will always keep in check between the primary and secondary systems naturally. Even though I have enough rupees, I'll still see some profitable items and mine / farm them - despite having a shop. The third and fourth tiers will always remain in the back seat, and are unlikely to move forward as they do in real world economies. The main reason behind this? Minecraft is a game. People aren't necessarily looking to have someone build them a house. When I started minecraft, I wasn't a good builder but I wasn't going to hire someone to build my building either. The idea behind the game (at least in vanilla) is to build things - so the sector of having things built for you will always have that natural barrier. The biggest thing I can say is you should delve into each of these areas. Go mining, start a small shop, offer some services or training. The theoretical way all of this should behave is different from how it actually works.
You forgot a few things to mention ... FMCG In EMC - Some people would rather have this as their income ... selling items cheaply but in mass production so more people would want to buy it instead of having lower items and higher prices and have not as many people buy to increase pay ... this isn't influenced by EMC Store price - this is influenced by what the customers want. Product LifeCycles ^Above - That basically shows for instance: Someone mines raw material They smelt it or assemble them in crafting tables They send them out from wild base or inventory to store or players They sell it to players and those players use the product If that product is no longer wanted - that player will destroy it (therfore reducing economy overall money) or re-sell it or give it away (which transfer of money keeps economy at a stand still) So technically EMC gives you money ... and none of those things above can increase the economy without a way of EMC giving free money ... So if anything EMC helps you by giving you daily bonuses Ranking Sectors Public sector - When any of the products or sales are publicly known - and take place within the economy itself to draw attention to public knowledge to try and gain profit from normal customers. or - when multiple groups of people are publicly acknowledged and everyone will try and help out to buy a product or sell to a 'major shop' to help restock. Private Sector - When individuals or small groups secretly sell to only each other for disclosed transactions - or will only do things for small favours to try and keep things to a 'hush' so the 'public' want know about under the table 'lower priced - transactions' Social Sector - When things are done non-profitably and only done for the good of the community : ex) contests and people helping for free, or small gifts like planning birthday parties, or just being a good citizen helping out for free EMC Shop is like a social sector ... people can't sell to it - but they can go to it whenever they want and buy stuff - but the money doesn't go to EMC itself - it just vanished - but the daily money gives back to you - so EMC is doing you a favour by providing infinite products and not asking for anything (technically) in return.