[GUIDE] Getting Clicks and Referrals from your Banner

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by CoryLovesYou, Aug 7, 2015.

  1. If it is your post and your request it due to offtopic/rude nature, then they are removed. If they aren't pm me.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  2. Quite disappointed that, apparently, EMC is morphing into a version of Tumblr. Last I knew, "discussion" on EMC encompassed "valid criticism." I also wasn't under the impression that EMC categorized "criticism" as "rude nature." If that is the case, I suggest you change the name of this forum category from "Community Discussion" to "Agree with what I say" and include a rule list specifically noting that if the OP takes it as rude, than it is automatically considered rude and rudeness will not be tolerated.
  3. There is a difference between valid criticism and the shark-nature I've seen on these forums. I've seen both and recently more of the latter. If a player disagrees, that's fine. However, this thread wasn't created for a debate over the rights/wrongs. It was created as a guide for players to see from someone that has experience.

    If a player feels attacked and reports it, then yeah we are going to remove it. We don't allow cyber bullying and it's not an issue that we're going to back down on. You may not see it as rude, but that doesn't mean it is not.
    boozle628, NathanRP and Nccoryg like this.
  4. I'm also quite disappointed that my post was deleted. I had three, deleted one myself, and two were deleted by Staff. I'm fine with the third being removed; however, the first expressed by honest opinion of the opening post. It was not rude or off-topic. Could I please have clarification as to why that was deleted?

    It was geared fully to the thread, not to the person, which the ToS specifically asks for: "Not engage in Name Calling: Referring to a user directly by an unflattering epithet. (Example: "You're an idiot.") When users disagree, they should attack one another's ideas, not each others' person." I said the methods of gaining referrals were ridiculous, which targeted Ncc's ideas, not Ncc himself.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  5. If you want to discuss this, please take to a pm with me. Another player's thread is not the place to do it.
  6. The method that caused most of the issues has been changed.
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  7. Please take this to another thread or pm if you feel the need to discuss. This thread has strayed from its intention.
  8. If posts are off-topic and are being removed because of that reason, can we move them to another thread instead of deleting them altogether? Seems pointless to delete a quality post.
    Chocolate800, jkjkjk182 and xHaro_Der like this.
  9. Create a new thread centered around the topic if you want to post the off-topic post somewhere else.
  10. Which is exactly what I'm asking Krysyy to do. Rather than delete jk's post and countless others, move them to a new thread for discussion.
  11. And I've said that's fine. But that is up to the content creators to do, not me. If they don't do so, then they didn't think it necessary.
  12. Now that I am home and not at work, I have reviewed the posts that were removed by staff due to the reports that came in. All were off-topic fromthe purpose of the thread with exception of part of jkjkjk182's which I have reinstated with the inappropriate section removed.

    The topic of this thread is the guide that was created, not the morals of referring players to the forums, nor the debate of removing off-topic posts. Please keep it on topic from here on out.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  13. New Referral Trophies coming soon!
  14. Bump! 7 days left to place in the referral contest.
  15. Bump for NEXUS INC.